How to Achieve Success in All Areas of Your Life

Rich, happiness, and healthy are what everyone seek. But how you manage to achieve it? So..for the purpose of helping you to achieve success in all areas of your life,i created this blog. Here you can find a lot great articles contains tips, ways, and steps to achieve success.

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Location: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

I'm 23 years old ambitius young man. When i was 20 years old i realized that happy, rich and healthy are what everyone seek. So i decided to share my experienced and my knowlegde for you all, and together we learn for getting success.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(TIPS)How to become rich quickly and safely

Good day everyone !!
I’ll give you 10 great tips How to become rich quickly and safely
Here it comes:

1. Possess correct and complete faith for become rich.
2. Establish clear and steady goals.
3. Believe that you able to achieve your goals.
4. Feel that achieving your goals is a must.
5. Had proven methods which can help you become rich quickly and safely.
6. Find out and use natural and easiest path for you.
7. Make a realistic plan.
8. Act accordingly to your plan.
9. Do monitoring.
10. Be responsible to keep learning and take action.

That’s all guys!!! I’ll explain it all one by one in my next post later.
I hope you enjoy it…..feel free to give a comment

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

Effective ways to quit smoking are available everywhere. It is impossible to watch a television show or listen to the radio without hearing about some new way to quit smoking. People are using gum, inhalers, nicotine patches, hypnosis, medication, and shots to help them finally quit smoking.

Quitting smoking is not as easy as it sounds though. You cannot simply decide you are going to become smokeless and then it happens. Most smokers struggle for several months' even years before they decide that quitting smoking is what they want to do. Even after they make that decision it can be several more months before they finally feel like they can try to quit smoking.

Becoming smoke-free takes determination and drive on the part of the smoker. They have to have a really good reason for quitting. Many people find this reason in their love of their family or desire to stay healthy. Reducing health risks is the most popular reason for people to stop smoking.

How to quit smoking?

So once the decision is made, how does a person go about quitting smoking? Both tobacco and nicotine are extremely difficult to quit smoking cold turkey so many people choose to gradually decrease the level of nicotine in their body. They can do this with a nicotine patch, or inhaler, and they can do it by naturally just decreasing the number of cigarettes that are consumed on a daily basis.

It sounds much easier than it really is...

The nicotine addiction that is present in many smokers is a huge driving force in their lives. For these smokers cigarettes are more than just something to pass the time. Cigarettes, nicotine in particular, are an addiction. There body is addicted to the drug of nicotine.

For some people it may take a combination of efforts for them to actually be able to stop smoking and for others they may be able to abruptly just put the cigarettes in the garbage can one day. Every person is different and has to find the program that is going to work best for them. Many smokers find that visiting with their physician is a great way to get started on their road to becoming smoke-free.

Even if the person does not decide to use a prescription drug to help them stop smoking, they should discuss any medications, herbs, or inhalers that they decide to try using as they stop smoking. Some items may have interactions with certain medications and only the person's doctor will be able to tell them if that is the case.

Whether you are using gum, an inhalers, nicotine patches, hypnosis, medication, or shots to help you quit smoking, it is a huge step to take. Having the drive to be smoke-free can often be enough to get someone started, but it takes dedication to stay smoke free for the rest of your life. Nicotine will always be a lure and a difficult item to stay away from. People who are able to stop smoking often report that they still have urges to smoke years and years after they have quit.

by: Mike Jerry

Lost Secrets of Wealth Knowledge & Power

Behold! He with the light cometh!

He shall light thy darkest night, illuminate thy muddled confusion, and he shall uncover all that hides from thou. He who holds the knowledge of the ancients comes quickly to you. Be not afraid, for he brings hope. Tremble not, for he will calm you. You shall see as a blind man cured. Riding close behind comes with him the mysteries of wealth, knowledge, and power.

OK, so do I have your attention? I called you to read the ad and take action didn’t I? I made you “want” to read more, to “see” this light so to speak. Don’t feel duped…J You have not been. What I present here is a simple psychology behind the reason someone responds to an advertisement. The “Lost Secrets” I refer to are right in front of you.

When you write a headline you must grab the readers attention within 2 seconds. That’s it! You get no more time. Do not stop, do not pass go, and certainly do not collect your $200. Certainly do not believe anyone who will tell you differently. To get your prospect to your offer your ad must be enticing, yet present a certain “hope” to the reader that what lies on the other side of the text is a solution.

But, it should not be just any solution. This solution must solve a specific problem. There is no other reason to entice your prospects. You can think of tons of needs and wants but the simple, cut and dry, black and white of it is that your customer “needs” a “solution” to a “problem”.

This problem could be anything as simple as a new computer chair to the much more powerful and complicated ink pen. Every pun intended…J The pen offers you the ability to write, and what you write will be ads. Not just any ads mind you. But prospect pulling, customer converting, sales exploding ads.

Using the power of the pen, and the written word has caused wars and saved lives. It has placed a value upon every real and conceivable thing on the planet. When you see the written word it pulls you into it’s meaning. Too often today we are bombarded with advertisements that SCREAM at you to Buy, Buy, Buy Now! Get Rich Quick! Make Tons Of Cash Sitting On Your Duff! Either the guys that write these type ads are desperate or they are idiots.

Get real people. It doesn’t work as good as well written, enticing, hope giving, problem solving, ads. Simple as that. Who else would try to sell you a SPAM blocker in an email you never asked for in the first place. They would argue that it’s clever, or that the sheer number of ads will pull in the money, and make it worth it. They play the numbers game. Are you?

Are you simply throwing as many ads out there as you possibly can hoping someone will find you and your product? I tell you now that doing that is like throwing mud against a wall while standing next to it. Some will stick but most will come back and slap you in the face.

On the flip side of this advertising coin are the people who really don’t care. They are after, and only want one thing. Your money. They couldn’t care less whether they were providing a service to someone, or solving someone’s problem with a “win-win” solution. This causes the real solution provider much grief and increases the distrust between the consumer and the salesperson/advertiser. Ultimately it makes the job of the “real” business owner that much more difficult.

Two of the oldest business ideals around are Quality and Quantity. Which one do you use in your business? Which one do you believe in? If you are of the latter group, than please stop reading this article right now. The internet would be a better place without these types of advertisers. Unless of course you are ready to change your world weary ways.

People are tired of reading ads that SCREAM at them. A few examples are:

* Excessive Punctuation!!!!!!
* Make 10 Million Dollars By This Time Tomorrow Night!
* Incorect Speeling!

Nothing turns a potential prospect off more than these types of ads. Yet we see them day in day out. Everyone has their own idea about marketing. Some work, some don’t. Some just simply play the numbers knowing they can always get about 1% conversion and don’t really care about writing good ads, fulfilling articles, or most importantly, solving the consumers problem.

You must be credible. Your prospects will know if you are not.
You must be trustworthy. Your prospects will know if you are not.
You must be straightforward. Your prospects will know if you are not.
You must offer hope of a solution. Your prospects will know if you are not.
You must be believable. Your prospects will know if you are not.

You must realize… Your prospects are not stupid!

I started to explain the solution principle to you when I described the chair. You don’t normally purchase a chair because it’s pretty, or it because it matches the drapes. You don’t purchase a chair because it was on sale or even because you save money. In fact, you don’t buy the chair at all. You invest in the solution it provides. Remember this and your sales will show positive results.

Invest in your customer first and he or she will invest in you and your product or service. Show credibility and trust, and your prospects will be more likely to purchase from you rather than your competitor. Be ethical, honest and straightforward in your ads and your bottom line will increase exponentially.

The old adage, “The customer is always right.” Is only part of it. The customer is always looking for a solution. Provide it to them and they will thank you for it with their order.

By: Eric Wichman

You Don't Have to Be the Sharpest Tool in the Box Or Have the Highest IQ

Something I learned a long time ago in high school was that I was not the sharpest tool in the box or the most happening thing around. I have a confession to make that I am a normal intelligent human being and there are many like me in this world.

You have to be very intelligent and have a high IQ to score well in your exams and go on to a degree. Also you need to have huge amount of enthusiasm and energy to set high standards in everything that you do, if you want to be the best. But if you do not have the highest of IQ or greatest enthusiasm for doing things, then you need to handle and tackle the issue of your success smartly.

· Seek the company of business people who are smarter and more successful than you. Study them, if possible talk to them, see and observe what they do and learn their formula of success. And apply the same formula in your life.

· Look for people who are actually doing what your goals are and what you want to do and then follow in their footsteps and do just as they are doing, in fact model their success, and success will be yours as well.

· Have a mentor who will guide you either consciously by advising you or you can also have a mentor, without him knowing that you take guidance from his actions. You can have more than one mentor to model. Have as many mentors as your goals are. You can follow different mentors for different goals.

· Follow the history of the success of your mentor or guide, in the same sequence of steps that he took by following all the tasks. And you are likely to meet the same kind of success.

Follow a mentor or a guide to your success is a reasonably dependable way to learn the path to success. It increases your enthusiasm and motivation for doing tasks at hand, because you can, in a way see the outcome of the action taken, as you are following tin the footsteps of your mentor.

Article Source:

How to Make Friends and Have Fun

Life without good friends is like a body without soul - it loses its meaning and charm. Friends share our joys and sorrows. We can express feelings of our heart to a good friend. A good friend is our best guide in crisis. One of the greatest philosophers of the world Emerson called good friend a master piece of Nature.

Children, adults, politicians, writers, journalists, clerks, labourers or businessmen all need friends to make career and enjoy life. But having a circle of valuable friends is not an easy task. Making friends or influencing people, in fact, is an art and like other arts it can be learnt.


Many persons want to talk to others but it is very difficult for them to start a conversation. They get somewhat nervous and sentences don't come up in their minds. Consequently they are unable to strike friendship with others. Such persons should keep some opening sentences in mind. After some time it becomes easy for them to start a talk and establish a bond of friendly relations. Several easy openings may be: i) What is the time please?; ii) Excuse me, do you have a pen please?; iii) Could you tell me which bus leads to....?; iv) Would you please guide me about the best eating place here? v) Is India going to win this match? etc.


Everybody loves praise and recognition for his talent and work. Even the kings loved to surround themselves with flatterers. Poet wrote songs admiring their kingdom and good qualities. Today’s politicians also like the company of those people who can boost their ego by praising them to skies. Big figures may enjoy flattery but a common person needs genuine praise.

Every human being has a unique quality and he or she wants to be appreciated for it. Unfortunately people are so busy in their own affairs that they hardly have any time to understand or admire these qualities. In case you are wise enough to spare some time and admire persons genuinely you will be rewarded with a positive response from the person whom you admire. Most of the people understand the difference between real and fake admiration. So be genuine in appreciation.


If you want to earn the goodwill of God distribute happiness not sorrows. People in today’s industrialised world are already full of sorrows and tension. They need some fun. So whenever a person approaches them with a sullen face he is generally ignored. Nobody is interested in wasting time on him. People avoid a person who always has something bad to tell. If you want to be welcomed by the people paste a label of good news on your forehead. It means you must have something good to say to people.


Chatterboxes - the persons who talk too much - always bore others. They only want to speak and don’t want to listen to anybody. They are not liked. Good listeners are welcomed everywhere. A human being has a tendency to express and find audience for him. So if you have any desire to make friends learn to keep patience, and listen carefully. You won’t have any dearth of good friends.


Hurt the feeling of anybody and you sow the seed of enmity. So be careful with your words and choose them carefully while talking to others. Everybody has something to say that is close to heart and he/she is hungry to find someone to whom it can be confided. If you want to make friends respect the feelings of other people. Understand them with total sincerity. Share their feeling of joy and sorrow. This habit will open for you the door of friendships.


Develop genuine interest in people. If you are just interested in selfish motives and have no regard for the desires and hobbies of others then forget you will ever be able to make friends. Talk about their favourite TV/movie star or player. Discuss about the game they like, the hobby they enjoy or the political party they favour. If a person thinks that he is valued he feels happy and enthusiastic.


Birds of the same feather fly together. Common interests create a bond between two persons. Find out some common interests between you and the person whom you want to befriend. To have knowledge about common interests sometimes you have to talk to a person on various topics. You will soon have an idea regarding areas of similar tastes and a way to strike friendship.


Goals of a person are most dear to his heart. A person has to struggle very hard in life to achieve his goals. He always wants to surround himself with persons who can help or guide him to achieve the goals. So if you know about the aims and goals of a person and find a way to help him you can win his friendship easily. And be sure, it is mostly a very intimate and durable friendship. Moreover helping someone achieve his or her goals is a sacred task.


Some people are slave of their emotions. It is very difficult for them especially to control angry outbursts. We can't make good friends or maintain them for long if we are one of those slaves. Though it is not easy to have a reign over our emotions yet we can learn to control them if we take a pledge today. Regular emotional outburst erode the harmony of friendship. We can’t maintain any good relationship for long if we constantly hurt each other. Only those persons have a large circle of friends who know how to control their emotions.


The best method of excellent communication is a small gift. Whenever a person receives a gift, given to him or her with a smiling face and a warm heart, it always leaves a lasting impression. Who doesn't like to receive gifts? A gift is a sure-fire method to melt the blocks of communication. It makes a person receptive. On important occasion send a greeting card, SMS or just give call. Gift and greetings are the oldest and the sweetest cord of social relationships.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Easy Way to Fight Depression By Milos Pesic

If you have depression, it affects everything, from the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. Practically, you draw back from your old routine. During the period of depression, people with this condition tend to have a hard time going about their lives purposely and sensibly. Even the tiniest things seem to be beyond your control and therefore get set aside. If this happens to you, you are actually moving away from normal life. By restoring your routine, it can somehow help get back on the right track and lead you to your normal life, which is in some way fighting depression.

The most devastating effect of depression is a feeling of losing control of our lives. Don’t you agree with me? You begin to feel that everything is happening irrationally, which is not the result of your choice or something that you could have made yourself. To be able to regain control, which actually fighting depression, try to re-establish your routines. Maybe both your eye brows are on the highest level they can ever get - wanting to shout: that’s easy for you to say! But, as the old saying goes, “no pain, no gain”, which means that if you want to be in control of your life over again, you should start doing some restoring some of you usual routine no matter hard it can be.

Who says fighting depression is a piece-of-cake? But then again, if you don’t do anything to get on your feet and start fighting, you’ll get worse and worse. Other people and doctors can’t help you get better if you, yourself don’t even have the guts to do it. With that in mind, one way and much easier way to start your fight in regaining control over your life is to write a list of your everyday activities that you may no longer or avoided to participate in. The following is some of the helpful tips that you might need in your quest for taking control over your life.

With confidence when confronted with people, make sure you have maintained proper hygiene and keep well-groomed, which include keeping yourself presentable and pleasant. These things are important if you want other people to socialize with you as much as you want to them.

Go out as much as you can as it helps you adjust more quickly.

Staying healthy is one thing in fighting depression since loss of appetite is one of the issues with depression.

Keeping in touch with your family and friends greatly help avert your attention away from your condition, especially if you feel their love and care for you. You might pull out some strength from them.

Engage yourself in some house chores to improve your environment, which affects your healing process and is also a level form of exercise.

Don’t keep idle time! Because if you do you’ll get bored, and when you get bored, you’ll go back feeling depress again. The purpose of fighting depression with which you may have started with great efforts will be defeated. Did you get everything? If not, start reading from the top until the words register in your mind. And get your sorry butt up and get going. There’s more to life to celebrate the mope around!

Memory Improvement - Tips to Improve Memory By Yan Lii

Tip 1: Memory Games
Memory improvement is not that difficult. One of my favorite tips is playing memory games. If you like computer games or play board games, I advise you sticking to games that require logical thinking and analytical skills not just games of luck. I would strongly advise chess, checkers, sudoku and word games. By improving your logic you will improve your memory, so try some logic games which can be found online. A good one is where you have to push crates in specific places and not get stuck.

Tip 2: Training Your Memory's Perception
Another great tip for memory improvement is taking up the habit of noticing things and paying attention. Try to notice small details around you and then recall them. This can be done anytime and anywhere, and it will greatly boost your perception and memory skills. I must also add that this skill is essential if you are working in the security field.

Tip 3: Improve Your Overall Fitness
Staying fit and healthy is not only great for your body but also for your brain. Your mind, and the memory that comes with it, all need to be fit as well. I advise you to do cardio exercises which would deliver more oxygen to your brain. Such exercises would be jogging, swimming, cycling. If you favor something heavier, hit a gym and try weight lifting.

Tip 4: Engage Subjects That Involve Thinking
Whether you are reading a book or watching TV, my advice is to focus on topics that involve thinking. Get your memory recall involved. These could be detective, romance, and movies or various psychological, religious related literature and shows. Don't just watch it, try to figure out the answer to the puzzle yourself.

These are just some tips to improve your memory. Just getting you mind, body and soul involved in something, helps your memory improvement, you feel good and relaxed, and your natural brain flow will work to perfection. And before you know it, your memory doesn't even have to think about why it even needs to improve, you are already there.

Healthy Meat – Which Meats Are The Healthiest?

Man is used to eating meat it has been part of our diets for centuries, however in recent years many nutrionists have warned us about the dangers of meat. This article will separate the hype form the reality of eating meat.

Let’s look at which meat is the best to eat and what meat should be avoided and some of the Conclusions may surprise you!


Per 100g 136 calories 5.1g fat

About half the fat in beef is monounsaturated fat which is similar to the heart healthy fat that you find in olive oil.

Look for organic cuts. The reason for this is these cattle are more likely to have been fed on grass and not grain which makes the fat healthier and will contain more omega 3 which is heart friendly.


Per100g 123 calories 4g fat

Pigs tend to be intensely reared which increases the chance that pork will contain harmful chemicals. It is more important than ever in pork to go organic.


Per 100g 156 calories 8.3g fat

Lab has a reputation as being unhealthy as it is a relatively fatty meat however lamb is one of the least intensely reared animals (the complete opposite to pork) and is relatively healthy and a great treat.


Per 100g 107 calories 3.3g of fat

Packaged ham can contain up to 37% water and have high doses of salt and even flavourings. Ham really is a meat that should only been eaten in moderation because of this.


Per 100g 120 calories 2.4g of fat

Tends to be wild or non intensively farmed it is therefore a very healthy choice for red meat lovers and one of the healthiest of all.

Bacon Per 100g 215 calories 16.5g of fat
Just like ham very high in salt and preservatives that are the subject of cancer scares. Like ham only indulge occasionally.


Per 100g 116 calories 3.2 fat minus skin

Full of iron, zinc and vitamin B12 a great choice, but make sure its organic chickens are one of the most intensely farmed meats and these can be full of things, well you really don’t want to know!


Per 100g 119 calories 1g fat

Is one of the leanest meats and good source of protein. Turkey is Rich in B vitamins and zinc and a great source of tryptophan a brain boosting nutrient. Like chicken a very healthy meat - Go organic.


Per 100g 11.2 fat

A very fatty meat containing a lot of saturated fat, but also contains a lot of health benefits to with big doses of Iron and Zinc and B vitamins.

As you can see there are several excellent healthy meats with turkey being the best all round choice. All of the meats above can be eaten regularly with the exception of bacon and ham and beef is not as bad for as many nutritionists claim 0 In fact its good for you!

Man is a carnivore and many of the problems and health scares to do with meat are created by man, but if you go organic you can enjoy meat anytime and be healthy and happy - Enjoy!

Article Source:

How Much Sleep Do I Need? Twelve Tips on Getting the Right Amount of Rest

Feeling drowsy and listless all day may be making you wonder, "how much sleep do I need?" The answer to that question depends on who you are. Everyone seems to have a different requirement for sleep. Although eight hours is the standard answer, some people need more. Others can do well on significantly less. The important thing is to make sure the sleep you do get is high quality. Here are some tips on sleep quality and how much of it you need.

1. Establish a schedule for going to sleep and waking up, and stick to it.

2. Avoid substances that make sleep difficult, like tobacco, caffeine and alcohol. Even though they might seem necessary, you will feel better without them.

3. If possible, don't ignore your body's messages about sleep. When you feel sleepy, stop working and go to bed. Even if you have tasks left to do, they'll go more quickly after you have rested.

4. Try to refrain from taking frequent naps during the day.

5. Test your sleep cycle by ditching the alarm this weekend. If you wake up at the same time without it, and you feel plenty rested, then your sleep cycle is probably fine.

6. If you don't wake up on time feeling rested (see number 5), then try adding an hour of sleep each night for the next week. Test it out again next weekend. By repeating this exercise as often as necessary, you should be able to zone in on the right amount of sleep for you.

7. If you have allowed yourself to become addicted to alcohol, tobacco or caffeine, then try to reduce these stimulants over time. Quitting cold turkey might make sleep nearly impossible.

8. When answering the question "How much sleep do I need," think about your age. As we get older, we need less and less sleep. Newborns sleep all the time (usually). Older folks don't sleep much at all.

9. If you are pregnant, you'll probably need to sleep longer than you normally do.

10. Remember that sleep needs are individual. Just because someone you met needs ten hours a day, this doesn't mean you require the same amount.

11. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea, sleep walking, and other conditions throw everything out of balance. You'll need to get your doctor involved on this one.

12. Sleep cycles repeat about every 90 minutes. If you can schedule your sleep time, try sleeping in multiples of 90 minutes. You might be surprised by how rejuvenated you feel.

"How much sleep do I need?" It's a question that only you can answer. Use the twelve tips above to get started on your journey to perfect sleep.

Article Source:

Friday, August 08, 2008

Secret on Learning

Although the knowledge and amazing leverage are available, knowledge and leverage itself can’t create a change. YOU are the one who must create a change by take action.
~Tung Desem Waringin~

If we ever heard the success story of successful person like Anthony Robbins,

Bill Gates, Robert T. Kiyosaki or Tiger Woods, they certainly said that their success secret is started with learning.

Learn, learn, and learn more!!

Of course…hearing that the secret of successful person is by learning, so undoubtly learning is a must.

But….the truth is there is another greater secret behind their secret!!!.

There are bad facts from people around me. There are lot of people who like to buy great books, they finish read it but they didn’t get anything from it. There are lot of people who like to participate in many amazing workshops or seminars, but there isn’t any improvement inside their self.

So….why those bad things fall on them?? What’s wrong with them??

The answer is simple, it weren’t their mistake but their learning methods which is not right.

This learning methods is what I meant greater secret behind the secret of successful person. Successful person have different learning methods.

The best learning methods are by applying this 5 steps : Do/Take action, analyze, summarize, teach and back to first step.

As an example , when you bought a book contains of “how to increase your business income”, then after you finish read it you only said “Hoo..i love this book”, or “Yeah…this book is great” or “ I know..i know that is it”… and you didn’t do anything……extremely insane undoubtly that great book become nothing.

These are what you have to do after read that book, by applying learning methods above :

  1. Do what you’ve learnt from reading that book, apply it on your current business.
  2. Analyze the results.
  3. You’ll get the conclusion from the results and what you’ve learnt from that book
  4. Next step is teach it to someone.
  5. Last step is you need to repeat this learning process, back to first step.

The benefit and change will appear when there is an Act you take. Tell to someone else what you’ve learnt, then your mastered knowledge will be more effective. For that reason, promise to yourself to take the first act after reading this article, tell it to someone even if just one person, tell what’ve learnt.

Although the knowledge and amazing leverage are available, knowledge and leverage itself can’t create a change. YOU are the one who must create a change by doing.


Do You Really Deserve Success? Find Out Here!

Hey guys!! I found a really good article by Dax Moy for you!!

This will change your way of life.

Read it and DO IT !!


Whenever I start coaching a new client I always ask that question.

And the answer is pretty much always "Of course! EVERYONE deserves success!"


Even more interesting is when I ask 'Do you know what 'deserve' actually means?'

It's at this point that people start to 'um' and 'aah' and guess at the meaning of the word.

It's clear that most people have no idea about what 'deserve' actually means and so, that being the case, I can't help but wonder how they KNOW that they deserve success. After all, if you don't know the definition of a word, how can you know if it applies to you?

Let me put you out of your misery.

DESERVE comes from the latin word roots 'De' meaning 'of' or 'from' and 'servir' meaning 'service'.

So DESERVE literally means 'from service'.

That changes things a bit doesn't it?

It takes deserving from being a subjective feeling about what you should be getting to an objective assessment about what you're giving.

Not getting what you want from from your business at the moment? Give more service and it'll come.

Not getting what you want from your relationships? Give more service there too.

Not getting enough from life in general?... you know what to do!

Looking at what you're getting from life from the perspective of the service you're giving to others changes everything.


If you don't feel like you're getting what you deserve then you're simply not giving enough service to others.

No if's, no but's.

This is an immutable law of success.

Want more?

Give more.


Don't think "What's the least I can do here to get a result?" Think, "What's the BEST I can give?"

Better attention to detail in your work?

Better telephone manner?

Better 'quality time' with those you care about?

Better commitment to making a positive imapct and leaving your mark on the world?

Better commitment to making more of each day you're given?

Yes please!

Give better service and then, when you think you can't give any more, find another way to 'squeeze more in'.

To your deserved success!

Article Source:

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Power of “PASSION”

A couple days ago, my mother told me about this "PASSION" to me.

I was really interest that time. After she finished her words,

in my mind i was thinking "Hey...this is what everyone must know!!"

So without permission from my mother…..

i decided to share my mother's great advice for you.

Okay... lets start with one question!

Ask this question to yourself, "How can i achieve the best result from my works?"


Maybe almost of you would answer like this: "i must have a good skill", or

"i must become a diligent, commitment, and skillful person"

Those answers are true of course, but you should know that those answers aren't

complete without one powerful word "PASSION".

This "PASSION" is what everyone need to know and have!!

Read this short true story below to proved the power of "PASSION" :

A long time ago there was a young boy called Django Reinhardt.

When he was 15 years old, he was acquaintances with jazz music.

From that time he started to playing guitar with jazz rhythm alone.

Jango was really has a passion with playing guitar.

Then.. when he was 18 years old, his carriage was caught on fire.

Django ran into the burning carriage for the sake of saving his guitar.


Django's life and his guitar was saved.

But because of that accident, half of his left arm wounded.

The wound was healed, but his pinkie and his sweet finger of his left arm

wasn't perfectly healed.

Although his fingers weren't back normally, he never quit playing guitar.

Everyday...with a strong “PASSION” he had, he kept practicing guitar.

And at last… he became a famous jazz guitar player only with three fingers

on his left arm.

The story above is inspired me greatly. Not only me, Django also inspired many others

people in this world.

From Jango's story, I believe in comparison with "skill", “PASSION” is far more important.

Jango really loves playing guitar, because of his loves for playing guitar,

the strong “PASSION” inside of him appear.

His “PASSION” of playing guitar makes him didn't want to surrender for his weakness.

You should realize now, if you have “PASSION” on doing any of your works,

you can surpass your limit. Believe Me !!

“PASSION” gives you huge extra power.

“PASSION” makes you happier on doing your works.

“PASSION” can't be stopped by weakness.


“PASSION” gives you the best result on your works.

Now...if you are seeking a job, I suggest you to find a kind of job

that you really love. That job must create “PASSION”

inside of you appear. If you manage to find it, undoubtly a great success is coming to you

in no time.


This is my first article that I write.

I’m not really good in english, but my “PASSION” to make people life better

Makes me to not to give up. I’ll keep learning and creating.

So… do you already have job that you really love?

……Not yet??

Don’t worry!! Find it how via this blog of mine.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

9 Easy Ways to Relax by : Hope Wilbanks

Mothers tend to unconsciously step into a super hero role, caring for family members and pushing their own needs aside. Research tells us that women's health depends on laughter, playing, exercising, relaxing and enjoying pleasurable fun times. As mothers, we should take this information seriously and look at how we live our lives.

Guilt often plays a huge role in a mother's decision-making process. If a mother feels guilty about leaving her child in the care of someone else for an hour while she goes to the gym to exercise, chances are she'll stop going to the gym.

The truth is, instead of feeling guilty about doing something for ourselves, we should actually make it mandatory to take special time for ourselves on a regular basis. Making time to relax and recharge our batteries will make us better mothers. Replenishing on a regular basis will ensure that we have something to give back to our families.

Here are a few simple and quick ways for mothers to relax at home:

1. Light a candle. Lavender, vanilla, sandalwood and spearmint are soothing scents to look for when purchasing special candles. The simple act of lighting a candle creates a soothing environment for you to relax in.

2. Deep breathe. Inhale deeply through your nostrils then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat several times until you begin to feel calm. Using this simple deep breathing technique can be helpful when you're stuck in traffic with loud kids in the back seat.

3. Five minutes of quiet time. Retreat to a room alone and close the door behind you. Sit comfortably in a chair, on a bed, or cross-legged on the floor and practice deep-breathing. Simply taking five minutes to retreat to your own space can provide a calming effect. You will begin to feel your body relax almost immediately.

4. Play relaxing music. There are many different kinds of CDs available today with soothing music and sounds. Try a couple of different ones, playing one during the day and one at night to relax you just before bedtime.

5. Read a book. Escape into a different world with a good book. The fictional world can be a great way to escape from the pressures of motherhood for half an hour or so.

6. Paint with watercolors. Painting is a great way to relax. Watercolors are especially recommended because there is no "right" way to use them. Allow your mind to relax as you move the brush over the paper and paint away your stress. Think and paint like a child, by letting the colors flow and mix together.

7. Go for a 10-minute walk. Nature is extremely relaxing. Put on your walking shoes and enjoy the scenery. Keep your chin up as you walk and remember to breathe deep and take in the scenery around you. Breathe deeply as you walk. By the time you return home, you should feel much better.

8. Keep a daily journal. Journaling has long been a way for people to "dump" their problems. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just grab a notebook and start writing. Taking ten or fifteen minutes at the end of the day to write out your thoughts can be helpful in releasing stress you'd ordinarily keep pent up inside.

9. Use your imagination. Close your eyes and think about some place or thing that makes you feel calm. Hold that picture in your mind as you practice deep breathing. You might also try using imagery to relax while your scented candles burn and soothing music plays in the background.

My first post - i found great article by Dax Moy

I frequently receive emails from clients telling me that they feel like they often let themselves down.

That they don't always achieve the goals they set for themselves.

That they made 'silly mistakes' that they should have known better than to fall for.

Well, you know something?

EVERYONE feels this way from time to time.

EVERYONE has days when they haven't accomplished what they set out to accomplish.

EVERYONE messes up.


But how we handle these days determines what they mean to our 'big picure' goals in life.

The unsuccessful person and the successful one handle them VERY differently.

The unsuccessful person dwells on the shoulda, woulda, coulda...

The unsuccessful person blames themself, punishes themself and brands themself a fool.

The unsuccessful person makes the experience a negative one.

But those destined for success do things very differently.

The successful people don't dwell on things, they learn and move on.

The successful people don't berate themselves, punish themselves or lay blame. They take responsibility but not blame.

The successful people know that shoulda, coulda woulda is in the past and unchangeable; they focus on 'next time I will...' and put their energies to the present and the future.

The successful people make the experience positive by labelling it 'learning'.

See, it's not difficult to go from failure to success is it?

Just change what your experiences mean to you... and EVERYTHING changes!

Read Emerson's poem below...

Finish every day and be done with it.

You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities
no doubt have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with
your old nonsense.

This day is all that is
good and fair.

It is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on yesterdays

------I really like this article. So what you think??

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